Charis Denison is an expert in Community Involvement, Human Development, and Ethics. She has built her experience primarily by working with schools and non-profits for more than 20 years. After initially teaching middle and high school English and Creative Writing, Charis began to develop curricula and publish articles related to social justice, ethics, human development, community involvement, and experiential education. She has received national recognition for her work in those fields, as well as for her community-based work with American teens and Tibetan refugees in Central Asia.
Previously, Charis has worked as the national Service-Learning consultant for the Durango Institute for Co-Curricular Education and held the same position for the Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education (CSEE) from 2000-2005. She has written a monthly ethical case study with facilitation instruction for the website, She also co-wrote Tolerance for Others, a middle school human development text, with Leni Wildflower.
Charis holds a Master’s degree in Organizational Development from the University of San Francisco. She has been a faculty member at Westridge School in Pasadena, CA, the Urban School of San Francisco, the Branson School in Ross, CA, and Marin Academy in San Rafael, CA. Currently, she runs Prajna Consulting while also maintaining long-term teaching relationships at several Bay Area schools, including Sonoma Academy, Head-Royce School, University High School, and Sir Francis Drake High School. Through Prajna Charis consults with schools, parents, students, and businesses both organizationally and individually. She also facilitates workshops and speaks on a wide variety of topics.
Charis makes her home in Fairfax (Marin County), California and Big Horn, Wyoming with her husband and two children.