
Prajna offers a variety of services to school communities. Our programs and resources focus on community service, human development, ethics, character education, and student life. Our approach is innovative and engaging. All of our services are designed for middle and high schools but can be modified for the elementary level. Resources available include curriculum and organization-wide change, classroom presentations, and workshops and talks for both faculty & administration and students.

Curriculum & Organizational Change:

Evaluation and diagnosis of curricula/programs:

This service focuses on overall curricular and extra-curricular programs, as well as student life. It would include:

  • One-to-several on-site visits and interviews (quantity to be determined based on need both by Prajna & client)
  • Overview of existing written curriculum, programs, and mission statements
  • Written evaluation of existing curriculum and programs with suggested next steps
  • Optional presentation to selected group of administrators and/or faculty

Services for faculty and administration:

This service can involve small or large groups, interactive workshops, discussion, or talks with time for questions and integration of materials presented.


Schools may decide on the length of workshops. Length varies from one hour to two days.

  • In-service on community involvement/social justice programs
  • In-service on drug & alcohol use and abuse
  • The impact of stress on student life and the larger school community


Schools may choose to combine several of these topics into one visit or focus on one issue. Additional bookings can be tailored to specific issues a school is facing. Topics include the following:

  • Current trends in “red flags” regarding teen behavior and how to spot it
  • “Mean Girls,” social cliques, and how to deal with the issue of bullying in a school community
  • How schools are dealing with the issue of stress
  • How schools are managing and changing Peer Counseling or Peer Resource programs
  • How to improve relationships/communication between genders in our school communities
  • How schools are dealing with cheating and academic integrity
  • How teens are currently expressing their sexuality—safely and unsafely

Mentoring services for faculty & administrators:

  • One-on-one mentoring of faculty in Human Development, Health Education, Student Life, and Community Involvement

Workshops and talks for students and classes:

These services can be geared toward small classes of students, grade level, or school-wide gatherings. All workshops and talks include a combination of presentation, interaction, and discussion.

  • Assertiveness, gender roles, and communication
  • Self-defense, personal safety, and awareness
  • Drug use, abuse, and prevention
  • Academic Integrity
  • Ethics and how to apply them in the real world
  • Character education
  • Sexuality (safe sex, abstinence, choices)
  • Diversity and equity
  • Body image
  • The media and its influence